Justice At Last provides training for legal service providers, law enforcement agencies, and attorneys to understand the legal rights of survivors. We also create and deliver custom trainings for organizations.
In-Depth Human Trafficking Analysis
This training provides an understanding of the legal definition of human trafficking along with increasing identification of trafficking survivors.
Understanding the Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework
A comprehensive look at legal remedies specifically for trafficking survivors.
Victims’ Rights Advocacy
This training answers the questions of “What are victims’ rights, victims’ rights attorneys, and the role of the case manager throughout the criminal legal process?”
Post-Conviction Relief for Trafficking Survivors
Professional training for lawyers on criminal records clearance for trafficking survivors that were forced to commit crimes in California.
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking Intersections
This training provides an understanding of how to approach the legal intersections between domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Protecting Privilege
What is privilege? How is it different than confidentiality? This training provides a closer look at privilege and understanding the various existing legal privileges including the Human Trafficking Case Worker privilege. This training shares promising case manager practices to protect that privilege in future litigation.
Recent California Human Trafficking Laws
Stay up to date on changes to California laws to protect trafficking survivors, including a closer look at the recent Lost Income Application for trafficking survivors through California Victim Compensation Board applications.
Public Benefits for Human Trafficking Survivors
This training provides information on the public benefits available to survivors of human trafficking in California.